  • Nepal
    Nature has been kind to our small Himalayan kingdom. It has expressed itself in a variety of genres.The unique geographical location of this landlocked country has resulted... more
  • Tibet
    The name itself invokes a sense of mystery and magic. Spread over a vast expanse of high altitude desert beyond the Himalayas this ancient kingdom is truly the last of the Shangri-Las... more
  • Bhutan
    Sandwiched between two Asian Giants, the small Himalayan kingdom is truly one of the last Shangri- las. Mysterious and alluring, the land of the thunder dragon has always... more
  • Sikkim
    Small but beautiful, this small erstwhile Himalayan in the northeastern frontier of India, is wedged between China, Nepal, Bhutan and the sleepy Darjeeling district. Remote... more
Other Area

Apart from the Restricted and The famous areas, Nepal still has some of the best trekkings to offer which are off the beaten track. Some of the treks which we have mentioned here are the treks less frequently used due to its hostile territory and lack of infrastructure, but lots of wonderful sceneries and wilderness. So! if you are that different, adventurous, looking for something more exciting that normal, then here are some of the treks which can deliver that to you.